[Archived version] How to write and key points when signing in English
Last updated: June 28, 2023
In this article, we will tell you how to write a signature in English and some important points.
This is a must-see for those who are planning to do business overseas in the future or those who are preparing to live abroad !
Additionally, with globalization, there may be more situations in Japan where people will have trouble understanding English signs.
So that you don't have to worry about such situations, we will introduce in detail how to write your signature in English and important points when signing your signature in English .
《Person who wrote this article》
Nozomi Sobue
Representative calligrapher of quick signatures.
So far, more than 5,000 people have created signatures.
In his first crowdfunding on Makuake, he achieved a total support purchase of 26,668,000 yen (first place in Makuake service category).
We create many signatures for people who are active on the front lines of various industries, such as celebrities, models, professional athletes, politicians, doctors, lawyers, and business executives.

table of contents
1. In Europe and America, there are no seals and there is a signature culture.
→ 2-1. Official signature of full name
3. Points to remember when signing in English
→ 3-2. Change the size of each character
→ 3-3. Add unevenness and variation to the outline
4. Have a professional make your sign in English
→ 4-1. “Speed-hand signature” created by a professional calligrapher
5. Summary: Signature in English is required overseas
In Europe and America, there are no seals and there is a signature culture.

I think everyone is used to using seals in their daily lives and business, and it seems like it's something they take for granted.
In our daily lives, we often use seals, such as when completing procedures at a government office, signing a contract for an apartment, opening a bank account, and in business when signing a contract or obtaining approval for a project.
However, Japan is actually the only country that uses seals as a matter of course!
Until a few years ago, China, Taiwan, and South Korea also had seal registration systems, so seal culture was thought to be unique to East Asia.
However, as countries other than Japan gradually abolished their seal registration systems, Japan is now the only country in the world that officially uses seals .
On the other hand, " signs " are commonly used in foreign countries, mainly in Europe and America.
Signatures are used instead of seals for procedures at government offices and for signing contracts.
Therefore, for those who are planning to do business overseas or planning to live abroad, it is essential to have a signature in English .
The following article introduces the differences between signatures and seals, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each, so please read it if you are interested.
[Difference between signature and seal] Explaining the advantages and disadvantages of each!
This article introduces points to keep in mind when signing in English, but if you want to create a quick, sophisticated, and cool signature, please consider creating a signature using a "quick hand signature".
For "Speed Sign", a professional calligrapher is in charge of creating the signature.
Nozomi Sobue, who has the skills and experience as a calligrapher and has a track record of creating signatures for over 5,000 people, will create a high-quality signature just for you.
The following article contains the signatures of people who have actually created them so far.
60 examples of sign designs created by calligraphers!
☑ People who want to create cool signs ☑ People who are interested in sophisticated English signs ☑ People who have the opportunity to travel abroad for work or private purposes If you fit any of the above, please check it out!
Use the coupon to get a quick autograph!
Please copy and use this.
english sign pattern
So how should I write my signature in English?
In Japanese, I think many people simply sign their full name in the order of ``surname and first name''.
In the case of English, it is naturally written in Roman letters using the alphabet, but there are several variations.
Official signature of full name
The simplest and easiest way to understand is to sign with your full name in English word order.
For Taro Sato, it would be " Taro Sato (Satoh) ".
The order of the words is first name , then last name , with the first letter capitalized.
This is a basic English rule.
Signing with your full name in English has the highest official importance .
Therefore, it is used for passport applications, credit card contracts, and even signatures in important business situations.
If you're having trouble choosing an English signature, I think it's best to just write your full name.
simple sign
When signing in English, you may not only use your full name, but you may also sign simply as shown below.
① Name only Taro
②Name initial + last name T. Sato (Satoh)
③Name + Surname Initial Taro.S
④Initials only T.S
However, if it is a simple signature, there is a possibility that it may not be recognized as official, so be careful.
When signing something of official importance, such as a passport application or credit card contract, a simple signature in English may not be accepted.
However, in business, sometimes the uniqueness of the person who wrote the signature is more important than whether the English signature is easy to read, so a simple signature with just initials is sometimes used. .
In addition, when signing a credit card payment,
"②Name initial + last name"
is also commonly used and is basically valid.
When signing in English, a simple signature may be convenient depending on the situation, but if you are unsure whether it will be officially recognized, I think it is safer to sign with your full name.
Points to remember when signing in English
It's a good idea to simply write your name in block letters, but if that's all there is to it, it can be forged.
And above all, wouldn't you like to sign your name in English in a more stylish manner?
Therefore, we will tell you some tips and points when signing your signature in English!
sign in cursive
First of all, we recommend that you sign in stylish cursive .
Signing in English in cursive gives you a sense of originality, and you can even add your own twist from there.
If you make some changes to your cursive English signature, the chances of your signature being forged will be much lower.
When writing your signature in English, it's generally okay to break it up so much that other people can't read it.
They say it's okay as long as you can write the same signature every time and know that it's your signature.
Change the size of each character
Everyone has their own way of arranging a cursive English sign, but a simple way is to make the letters that correspond to initials, that is, the initials of first and last names, larger than the overall balance.
That alone will make it look more balanced.
However, if it is just that, it becomes a sign that you often see.
Making a slight change, in the case of Jun Komori, the final "I" can be divided into stages, such as J < K < i, resulting in a better overall balance.

In the case of "T. Satoh", you can also write only the vowel in a smaller size, as shown in the image below.
Add unevenness and variation to the outline
An outline is the "outer frame" when writing text.
If the characters are not sized, they will be rectangular, and if they are sized, they will be uneven, or have an outline that rises diagonally to the right or falls diagonally to the right.
"T. Satoh" emphasizes the "S", so the outline has a vertex in the middle, making the outline look like a triangle.

Have a professional make your sign in English
If you will be using English signatures frequently in the future, we recommend that you take the plunge and ask a professional to create your signatures .
I think it would be possible to add a little twist to the English signature by writing it in cursive, but I think there is a certain limit to originality and style.
Therefore, if you plan to use English signs frequently in the future, or if you want to make stylish English signs, please ask a professional to create your sign.
``Speed signature'' created by a professional calligrapher
At `` Speed Sign '', a professional calligrapher who is a professional calligrapher will design your own original signature.
Signs created by professionals are far more stylish and stylish than those made by yourself .
Furthermore, the stylish original signatures that incorporate the experience and techniques unique to calligraphers are unique signatures that cannot be forged by anyone else.
Of course, I don't think I've had many opportunities to sign in English until now, so practice is essential in order to master signing in English.
However, signs made by professionals are not only highly designed and stylish, but they are also easy to balance, and with practice, you will be able to write them quickly .
In addition, depending on the plan, the quick hand signature comes with a video of the stroke order of the signature and a tracing practice sheet , making it easy to practice.
You can check the correct stroke order with the stroke order video, and also check the slowness and strength of the strokes, which cannot be seen just by looking at the font.
Even if it is designed so that you can write it quickly with practice, it is even more reassuring for those who are not confident that they can reproduce it.
We offer two types of videos, one at 1x speed and one at 0.7x speed, so it's a great service for those who want to slowly check the speed and changes in speed of signature writing.
What's more, you can practice over and over again with the tracing sheet, so you don't have to worry about it.
The tracing sheet is provided in PDF format, so you can save it on your PC or smartphone and easily print it out at your home printer or convenience store.
Now you can print and practice over and over again, so you can recreate the stylishly designed sign yourself.
In preparation for future opportunities to sign in English, consider asking a handwriting professional to create your signature.
Summary: An English signature is required overseas
How was it?
Overseas, mainly in Europe and America, there is no seal culture and the culture is completely autograph culture, so if you are planning to do business or live abroad, you will need to sign in English !
When signing in English, use your full name or a simplified version depending on the situation.
However, please note that simple signatures may not be officially recognized.
Also, when signing in English, be careful not to simply write it in block letters as it may be forged.
Write in cursive and add your own personal touches to show off your originality to prevent forgery.
However, there are limits to how much you can come up with your own signature and be original, so we recommend that you ask a professional to create your signature for you.
In ``Speed Sign'', a professional calligrapher who is a professional calligrapher will create a custom-made original sign that is only one of its kind in the world.
Signs created by professionals are not only highly designed and stylish, but they are also created with a perfect balance in mind, so with practice you will be able to write them in no time.
In addition, the quick hand signature comes with a video of the stroke order of the signature and a practice sheet, making it easy to practice!
Take this opportunity to get an original English signature with "Speed Sign"!
Examples of signs actually created using quick-drawn signs are listed in the article below.
If you are curious about what kind of signs there are, please take a look!
60 examples of sign designs created by calligraphers!