Situation - Quick writing signature
We would like to introduce you to the situations in which speed-written signature users actually use signatures.
Please imagine the situation in which you would use the sign based on your own usage scenario.
Credit card payment
“Original signature” is
Smarter than a PIN,
Security is also safe.

If you can draw a cool sign when checking in at a hotel,
You can create an adult's sense of leisure and commitment.

When checking in or writing your name on the scorecard, don't write your name in plain letters.
Why not use a well-designed sign?

home page
To attach your signature to your homepage,
It also leads to differentiation from other companies,
Gives a stylish impression to the user.

Icons for SNS etc.
A sign that looks casually on your SNS icon,
It gives a sense of individuality and commitment.

Photo album
In the signature attached to the photo,
Five typefaces created by professional calligraphers are
The advantage is that you can use them differently depending on the image of each photo.

email signature
Just add your signature to your email signature.
Your business partners can imagine your impression,
The reaction will also be better.

signing the contract
Signing contracts that are typically signed in block letters or abbreviations,
By using kanji signs,
This will give you a sophisticated finish.

autograph for fans
An autograph for your dear fans,
Not homemade,
Designed by handwriting experts
A stylish sign is recommended.

name pen
When you put your own signature on something that will last a long time,
You will become more attached to it and can use it with care.

embroidery on suit
"Be particular about what you can't see"
As an adult hobby,
Embroidery on suits is also recommended.

Attachment to photo
By adding your signature to the photo,
This creates a more sophisticated finish.
Also, photographers and artists
Adding a signature to your Instagram photos also protects your copyright.