Polite type - quick hand signature – 速筆サイン

Polite type - quick hand signature

Polite type

The "polite type", which is intended for use in business situations, has a rounded main image.
Having blank spaces makes you feel “polite” and “calm”
It gives the impression that.
Recommended for those who often use it in business situations.

Usage Scenarios - Ceremonial occasions, greeting cards, etc. Impression - Spacious, clean

creative example

- Creation example -

Each font details page

menu menu menu menu menu

Choose by purpose


For businessmen


For artists


For women

Those who want to create a logo

Those who want to give a present

customer's voice

Product image

Mr. HA/35 years old/male/restaurant management

I ordered it because I wanted to write a cool signature.
Even though I wanted my signature to reflect my mood, they readily agreed to my request, and I was able to write a signature that was perfect for my image.
I really like it!
Thanks to the practice videos, it is easy to visualize how to write, and it seems that you can learn quickly.
I'm really thankful to you.
I will use it with care.

Product image

Mr. HT/29 years old/Female/Performer

At first, I was very nervous and wondered if I would receive the correct product. Will you be satisfied? I ordered the product with 80% anxiety and 20% expectation.
The customer service was polite, but I was very nervous until I saw the product!
In the first place, the reason I asked for it this time is because the signature I had come up with seemed somehow childish and I felt really embarrassed when I was asked for documents or signatures.
Since he is a calligrapher, I thought it would be a warm and mature signature, so I asked for it!
The result was a product that far exceeded my expectations!
Now, I watch videos every day and practice following the example.
thank you very much.